The Project Lugger team
Without the support and hard work of many people, Project Lugger wouldn't be what it is today.

Founder, Chairman and Trustee
Bob Dalton
Bob is a falconer of over 50 years experience and passionate for all raptors but particularly falcons. Bob is a highly valued member of many UK and international falconry organisations and author of multiple books. When he learnt of the decline of wild Lugger Falcons he was inspired to do something to help the species - so founded Project Lugger in 2017.

Charles Gray
Charles Gray has been a practicing falconer for many years, and loves flying his own hawks with his family. In 2020, Charles trained a female Lugger Falcon named 'Tula', who he now flys as not only an important ambassador for the Project but also as a falconry hawk. Charles works exceptionally hard for the project as a trustee, at 'The Lugger Zone', and helping Bob Dalton deliver Luggers to Project Partners around the UK.

Veterinary Advisor
Tom Bailey
A highly respected raptor vet based in the UK with a great deal of experience with larger falcons, particularly in the middle east and with a falcon breeding facility here in the UK.

Project Lugger Patrons
Alan Hunt and
Judi Kent Pyrah
Alan and Judi have been generous friends of the Project for some time, Alan is an acclaimed wildelife artist and has donated multiple paintings for auction, alongside several sizeable donations which have gone a long way to help push the Project forward.

Diana Durman - Walters
Diana is well known and respected as a falconer and falcon breeder par excellence. Her experience and first hand knowledge of breeding falcons has already been of immense help to the Project and will no doubt continue to be as we progress.

Overseas Co-ordinator
Tula Stapert
Tula Stapert is an experienced Dutch falconer. Her work as an estate manager gives her the opportunity to focus on nature conservation and to hawk on the estate. As an engaged falconer she filled various jobs and projects for falconry. Nowadays she is the chair of her club and is a member of the IAF. The Project came to her attention during the IAF meeting where she was captured by the story of the lugger being used as barak, and the sheer beauty of the falcon.

Veterinary Advisor
Dominik Fischer
A raptor specialist vet based in Germany and is very well known on mainland Europe and highly respected in the veterinary field.

Martin Reynolds
Martin, although not a falconer, comes from a very successful business background, working in the design and print industry for over 35 years. Martin has always had a love of wildlife, the environment and particularly birds of prey. The rest of the team have always been thankful for the support, insight and perspective that Martin continually gives.

Pakistan co-ordinator
Kamran Khan Yousafzai
Kamran is a valued member of the Project Lugger team with a lifetime of experience as a falconer in Pakistan, with a big role in the Pakistan Falconers Club and chairman of the up and coming Raptor Research and Rehabilitation Centre in Gilgit.

Scientific Advisor
Mark Fielder
A Professor of Medical Microbiology and we are incredibly lucky to have his expertise on board.
Project Lugger partners